Monday, March 26, 2012

The Circus comes to Town

The Trayvon Martin case has become a racial circus with all the required players showing up for their performances.  The media were caught licking their lips immediately after the tragic incident in hopes of creating a black/white issue by using the label "white Hispanic" to describe George Zimmerman's race.  Professional race hustlers Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton took center stage at the first opportunity even though the facts in the case were yet to be released by the investigating police department.  The clown was sent in on cue when the President of the United States insisted on inserting himself into yet another racial quagmire.  Apparently, he didn't learn much from his last teachable moment. 

I find it sad when a tragedy like this, with legitimate questions, devolves into this sort of racial/political football.  Sometimes, it is alright to question police; however, questioning before the release of all the facts while from a stance of wanting to create a racial divide is never acceptable.  I have no doubt that the Jackson/Sharpton freight train never had any desire to slow down and wait, or examine all the facts.  I am just as sure that they went out of their way to create a racial story, with the help of the media, when there wasn't one.  The media propped up this story long enough for it to take root in the national dialogue, and did their best to reinforce the racial element.

The case is starting to show the absolute worst in America from either side.  If you take the Martin side, for lack of a better term, you have vigilante justice run wild in Florida, or a full on race-based murder of a Skittle carrying kid, all the while with the local police winking and nodding as they release the killer.  If you take the Zimmerman side, you have race hustlers descending on a lawful self defense killing, and twisting it to use it for political gain while inciting a race war, as the mother of the deceased thug trademarks her son's name for a chance at some quick cash.  The whole thing turns my stomach. 

What needs to happen is for the Sharpton/Jackson side show to pack their shit and go home.  Race needs to be taken out of the equation, and a full investigation into the facts of that night needs to begin.  If Zimmerman was in the wrong in some way; like shooting Trayvon from behind, or provoking him to an altercation...then Zimmerman should be tried and sentenced based on those facts.  But if the investigation turns up that Zimmerman was in the right, then MSNBC should fire Al Sharpton, so he and Jesse Jackson can crawl back under the rock they came from.   Well....I can wish anyway.

The fact is Sharpton and Jackson will be here to stay as long as race can be used as a constant blunt instrument in disagreements.  The progressive left has perfected its use so now it is interchangeable with words like Republican, Conservative, or White.  A conversation stops when throwing out, what should be, powerful labels like Hate or Racist.  That's the problem with political discourse these's no longer a discussion.

Image from The People's Cube

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