Monday, February 27, 2012

My crush

I've got a man crush on Andrew Breitbart; when he is on TV I get all tingly.  It's not necessarily a physical thing....although we have similar teddy bear shapes.  And when I see him like this...

I can't help but think of sitting opposite him, washing between his toes, and listening to him read some of the hate filled, name calling, emails he receives from his foes.  Ahhhhh.....

It's actually more intellectual than physical.  I admire his attitude.  He isn't afraid to speak his mind, and he doesn't care who it rubs the wrong way.  I love his rock star status in the conservative world.  I could learn a lot from him.  I feel like I have been so whipped by the PC police that I'm actually scared to confront people with my politics.  I will be honest if asked, but usually I just keep quiet and go about my own business.  Don't rock the boat.  This blog is the start of finding my voice again.  The start of not being intimidated into silence by the fear of people labeling me in a negative way.  The start of being more like Mr. Breitbart. 

I have a man crush on Andrew Breitbart because of his big tough balls.  What can I say?  I love Andrew Breitbart's balls....

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I wasn't always this way.  I grew up in a small town, in a conservative family.  As soon as I could form my own political opinion, I did my best to turn my back on theirs.  I remember being called "The Flaming Liberal" by my high school World Events teacher.  That was a badge of honor that I wore with pride.  Understanding my parents and their archaic, selfish, and seemingly racist views was impossible.  They had no compassion.  No heart.  And it sure seemed like no soul.  I railed against any conservative that dare speak their minds, and I believed every cliche about Republicans....even though some were my friends. 

Starting in 1995, when I was in my 20's, two incidents happened.  Both were subtle in outward appearances, but they were profound in how they started to establish a new thought pattern for me.  The first was when I was reading a Mother Jones magazine on my lunch break at the shop.  I made a comment about the article that I was reading...I don't even remember what it was about...but I do remember the response of my co-worker that I was chatting with.  He told me to remember that the left knee jerks just as hard as the right.  I understood the subtext, and it did give me pause to think about it for a minute. I had to agree....he had a point. 

About a year later, a different co-worker at the same job handed me a copy of Barry Goldwater's The Conscience of a Conservative to borrow.  This was a guy I remembered having conversations about Blade Runner and laser discs, but never anything political.  I really have no idea why he gave it to me to read.  But I took it.  I put down the punk rock UK conspiracy magazine I was reading at the time, and delved into what Senator Goldwater had to say. 

What I found was a book that I was agreeing with ninety percent of the time.  I found a clear and reasonable argument in favor of conservative principles.  It started the eye opening.  I started to think about the logic of the other side.  The book soon was returned to it's owner with little discussion, but my brain kept chewing on it's contents. 

In the fall, I proceeded to vote for Bill Clinton a second time.  During the next four years I watched his second term devolve into a sex scandal circus, and I decided to make a change in party.  I went from registered Democrat, to Independent....but with a heavy bent towards the right.  I left the Democrats disillusioned.  And there was no way in hell I was going to vote for Al Gore.....

Monday, February 20, 2012


So here I sit in the middle of a blue state, in a very blue city, surrounded by blue neighbors.  That's why I chose the title for this blog.  I'm scared for my life!  OK, maybe not that bad, but I certainly don't let too many people know about my deep dark secret...I consider myself a conservative.  Most of the people I know would not suspect it.  In fact, my neighbors and friends would probably be horrified by it. 

I live in Seattle.  For those that don't know, Seattle is a city that wants to be San Francisco when it grows up.   In Seattle we like our coffee, protests, beer, social engineering, music, liberal politics, art, and political correctness.  If you have seen the IFC show Portlandia, then you are getting a pretty good picture of Seattle.  Just a little north.  I actually love my city, and have lived here my entire life.  It makes me crazy on a daily basis, but it's beauty and quirkiness keep me here. 

I find it funny most people don't know my political persuasion.  I guess I don't really look the part.  I have tattoos, can't stand to wear suits, and have been known to swear, drink, and other assorted sinning.  But that is just it isn't it?  It's not really necessary to wear your politics on your sleeve, is it?  I guess I find it a little insensitive to spout your politics wherever you please.  Of course....looking at the state of things, maybe now is the time to spout off. 

So spout I shall.   I will provide observations, links to articles, and just general thoughts on the state of things.  All on the road to Election 2012....

Should be a hell of a ride...