What the hell is up with World Net Daily? Why must they feed these lingering doubts I have with plausible stories? Every time I read that damn site I fall deeper down a dark Marxist paranoid well. Yesterday they brought us a story, that was also linked on The Drudge Report, about a mailman from Chicago who had Mary Ayers, the mother of Bill Ayers, on his route. He shares a few stories including one where he meets a young Barack Obama. A creepy feeling comes over me when he reveals Barack Obama stating at a young age that he will in fact become President of the United States. I hate that feeling. That feeling that it would probably be wise to look over your shoulder right about now. The feeling that there are all sorts of shadowy figures and forces at work in the world making things happen behind the scenes.
What WND is good at is bringing all these little stories together. Each one, by itself, is insignificant seeming, but when you gather them together they create a more compelling web. They infer cabals gathering to select a candidate for grooming to ascend to the highest office in the country. A candidate well versed in political and radical tactics, that would use those tactics to reshape the United States into a European Socialist clone in the very least. See how frighteningly sexy that sounds? No wonder I find myself shrugging off the confines of reason and plunging headfirst into the deep end of paranoia.
And yes....I am well aware that WND's nickname is World Nut Daily.
Over on the Breitbart sites we have seen a vetting going on dealing with Barack Obama's past and specifically his college days. Their interest comes to a grinding halt when digging into the eligibility question though. Part of me can't blame them since there are questions about the questions, and the "birther" label does far more damage than "Tea Party", or even "racist", it seems at the times. (who am I kidding...those three labels get all jumbled up in what is the dry cleaning conveyor of the Mainstream Media)
Ben Shapiro makes it clear that the Breitbart sites won't be wasting resources on the eligibility issue since it makes him yawn. He goes on to say that even if there were truth to the story there isn't anything anyone can do about it. I say bring it all on. Investigate everything, and leave no stone unturned in the #VetThePrez operation. Even if nothing comes of it, at least it may place doubt in some independent voters minds. Doubts that weren't there four years ago when they were swept up in the media lovefest for Barack Obama. Those doubts could swing their vote away from him, and maybe we can get a change in the White House that really gives us hope.
Or at least helps us sleep at night again....
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